Kennion Print Collateral & Benefit Guide

Client: Kennion Benefit Advisors

Project Overview:
Kennion Benefit Advisors, a company dedicated to simplifying the setup, management, and enrollment of employee benefits online, engaged Richmond Concept to redesign their employee benefits guide. This guide was intended to assist with onboarding new employees, ensuring they have clear and attractive materials to understand their benefits. Additionally, Kennion needed other collateral, including flyers and posters, to announce important dates such as benefits open enrollment and provide details on various benefits plans.

The primary objective was to create visually engaging print collateral that highlights Kennion’s software and the excellent benefits they offer. The materials needed to be vibrant, fun, and informative, making the onboarding process smoother and more engaging for new employees.

Design Tools and Techniques:

Richmond Concept utilized a range of design tools and techniques to achieve the desired outcomes for Kennion Benefit Advisors:

Bright Colors and Fun Images: 

  • Incorporated a color palette that is bright and cheerful to align with Kennion’s brand identity.
  • Used fun and engaging images to make the guides and collateral more appealing and less daunting for new employees.

Software Screenshots: 

  • Included screenshots of Kennion’s software within the guides to provide a visual representation of the tools employees would use.
  • Ensured that the screenshots were clear and highlighted the user-friendly aspects of the software.

High-Quality Print Design: 

  • Leveraged design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create high-quality, print-ready materials.
  • Focused on creating a clean and modern layout that is easy to read and navigate.

Informative and Engaging Content: 

  • Ensured the content was both informative and engaging, making it easy for employees to understand their benefits and how to utilize them.
  • Included detailed information about various benefits plans, enrollment dates, and any other critical information employees needed to know.

Richmond Concept worked closely with Kennion Benefit Advisors to ensure the final print collateral met all their requirements and exceeded their expectations. The team also provided guidance on printing specifications to ensure the materials were of the highest quality when produced.

The redesigned employee benefits guide and additional print collateral effectively communicated Kennion’s value proposition and the benefits they offer. The inclusion of software screenshots provided clarity on how to use the benefits management tools, enhancing overall user experience. Richmond Concept’s attention to detail and design expertise ensured that Kennion Benefit Advisors’ print materials were not only informative but also visually compelling.

Tools Used:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
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